Welcome to new 160m band blog

This blog is the replacement of the my preview Topband blog here http://topband.blog.cz/ because of an agressive advertising and flash banners inserted by the blog provider. For older posts access You can visit the old blog link which will exist still... but it will not be updated anymore.

Effective from 1st Jan 2017 please paper QSL via OM-bureau only.

Monday, July 24, 2017

TOP BAND 160 METERS - A Dedicated 160 Meters Discussion and Contesting group

 Friday June 2nd , 2017

Top Band Hams is now the Mid Atlantic Group.


The Mid Atlantic group was founded in the Fall of 2007 by Eric WG3J and Nelson K3ABX and with the help of Joe N3IBX securing the frequency on 1900.

The group will return to its original format this coming fall with WG3J as your host. All orginal mid Atlantic members are encouraged to rejoin the group, more to come stay tuned.
Feedback is Welcome:  contact us here

73 - Petr, OK1RP